Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world! I did a one day tour in a 4WD bus, as I don’t really like to drive my bike in sand.
Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world! I did a one day tour in a 4WD bus, as I don’t really like to drive my bike in sand.
I visited the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie. then I headed up to Brisbane where I did a tour through the XXXX beer Brewery!
Ich habe das Koala Spital in Port Macquarie besucht. Danach gings rauf nach Brisbane, wo ich eine Tour durch die XXXX Brauerei gemacht habe.
from Canberra to the Blue Mountains near Sydney.
there are indeed mountains in Australia! And snow! 😁🏍🏔
Es gibt tatsächlich Berge in Australien! und Schnee!