40’000km on the road, 60’000km bike’s total!

Since leaving Switzerland, I’ve been riding 40’000km on my Honda Africa Twin CRF1000!
I hit the mark somewhere in Australia’s Outback, short of Top Springs.
One day later, my bike hit a total of 60’000km! And she is still going strong, no issues with the motor! But I fixed the front forks (fixed in Thailand, oil was leaking) and the wheel and steering bearings (fixed in Australia. not broken, but heavily weared out).
A complete service list of my bike is here.

One thought on “40’000km on the road, 60’000km bike’s total!”

  1. Ciao Domi
    Haben heute deine Karte erhalten. Fantastisch 🙂 Was für eine Reise. Ich gratuliere Dir ganz herzlich zu dieser Traumerfüllung. Hut ab.
    Joel V.

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