Category Archives: Photos


The Everglades!
They are just an alligators infested swamp 🙂

Die Everglades!
Sind einfach ein Alligator verseuchter Sumpf 🙂

Myakka Lake State Park

I camped a night in the Myakka Lake State Park. A lot of animals to see there: birds, trash pandas (racoons), snakes and alligators!

Ich habe eine Nacht im Myakka Lake State Park campiert.  Es gibt da viele Tiere zu sehen: Vögel, Trash Pandas (Waschbären), Schlangen und viele Alligatoren!

Manatee snorkeling

Crystal River is famous for it’s manatee population. The springs there are the same temperature all year and especially during the winter the manatees come to this bay to keep warm.

I got up at 6am to go snorkeling with those cute animals! A young manatee was very curious and came up close to nibble on my snorkel mask and camera! And he liked belly rubs 😁


Crystal River ist bekannt für die Manatee Population. Die Quellen haben das ganze Jahr über dieselbe Temperatur und deshalb kommen die Manatees besonders im Winter in diese Bucht und sich warm zu halten.

Ich bin morgens früh um 6 aufgestanden um mit den Manatees schnorcheln zu gehen! Ein junges war sehr neugierig und ist sehr nahe gekommen, um an meiner Taucherbrille und Kamera zu knabbern!

New Orleans

The French Quarter in New Orleans is exactly how I imagined it: music at every corner and parades in the streets! And it seems that public drinking is allowed?!

I did a boat tour in the nearby swamp, we saw alligators and wild (spanish) pigs!

Das französische Viertel in New Orleans ist genau wie man es sich vorstellt: Musik an jeder Ecke und Paraden in den Strassen! Und scheinbar darf man hier öffentlich Alkohol trinken!

Ich habe eine Bootstour durch den Sumpf gemacht und dabei Alligatoren und verwildete (spanische) Schweine gesehen!

NASA Space Center Houston

As you know I am a space nerd. So I had to go to Houston to visit the Nasa Space Center! There I could touch an original moon rock! And I  could also see the original Control Center of the moon landings, the Apollo 17 capsule and the last existing Saturn V rocket!

There were also life sized mockups of the ISS, Soyuz, Orion and Boeing capsules for the astronauts to train on. And other new and upcoming NASA tech like rovers and robots!

Vera Large Array, New Mexico

The Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico became famous because of the movie ‚Contact‘ with Jodie Foster. The VLA consists of 27 connected antennas with 25m dishes!

After visiting other arrays in Australia and Chile, I had to see this one, too 🙂